Perbandingan Efektivitas Terapi Ekstrak Ikan Gabus Dengan Putih Telur Dan Human Albumin 20% Terhadap Peningkatan Kadar Albumin Pasien Hipoalbuminemia Di RSUD dr. Zainoel Abidin



Hypoalbuminemia is a condition where blood albumin levels are less than 3.5 g/dL. In this condition, there will be disruption to the physiological processes in body. There relationship between low with an increased risk of infectious complications, high mortality rate hospitalized patients, both non-surgical and surgical patients. To restore important function albumin, intervention needed increase blood. Human infusion most common. However, because price, many other alternatives have been investigated plasma levels. This study aims determine effectiveness snakehead fish extract therapy, compared egg white 20% human increasing hypoalbuminemic patients so that it can save costs improve quality life hypoalbuminemia. research quantitative Randomized Control Trial design. Samples were collected from August October 2021 inpatient ward RSUD dr Zainoel Abidin. Data 36 samples, then divided into 3 treatment groups, namely group, group Albumin group. The used randomized, blinded clinical trial. data taken tested for normality Kolmogrov-Sminrnov test, continued ANOVA test. results obtained samples meet inclusion criteria. average level was -0.0792 (Sig. 0.51), 0.1625 (sig. 0.429) 0.237 0.431). From these studies giving alternative therapy treat hypoalbuminemia conditions.Keywords: Hypoalbuminemia, Albumin, Egg white, Snakehead Fish Extract,

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عنوان ژورنال: Journal of Medical Science

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['2353-9801', '2353-9798']